CosmicBreak 2 Launches, Announces International Version



CyberStep, the creators of CosmicBreak have announced the sequel to their free to play 3D MMO TPS game.  Titled, "CosmicBreak2" the game features upgraded tech to smooth out the graphics and experience along with a new physics  engine to maintain the game's iconic anime look with new destructible environments.  The new game will still have personalized armaments and customization points as its predecessors, and offers epic 10 v 10 battles.  Players will be able to completely customize their characters, for example:

  • Flying characters can soar above the battlefield.
  • Speed type characters can run extremely fast and wall jump to reach higher positions.

Another feature they have highlighted is the "Costume Break" function which shows much damage a character has taken in the form of broken armors and torn clothing.  :3

While the current release is region-locked for Japan only, CyberStep has announced plans to launch an international version sometime this year.