Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Backtracks On Changes


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has backtracked on several of their Winter Update changes. We recently saw nerfs to the R8 Revolver and now we are seeing them revert their changes to rifle and pistol spray. The Winter Update reduced the spray accuracy on these weapons with an intention of making bursting and tap firing much more viable at longer ranges, however the fix managed to nerf accuracy across the board which impacted players who were already participating in the desired gameplay.

While the intentions were good and were meant to lead to more meaningful choices in gameplay—Valve has admitted fault and has rolled back the changes to rifles and pistols to limit the amount of changes in a single patch. The blogpost seems to show that Valve is still interested in adding more of a choice between bursting/tapping and spraying, but for now they'll go back to the drawing board with it.

These issues seem to be a strong case for a Public Test Server as Valve states that they need to "re-evaluate (their) process for making and communicating changes".