COVID-19 Threat Forces More Gaming And Tech Companies To Cancel Their Events

covid 19 virus bannerThe gaming industry continues to feel the effects of the COVID-19 virus as six more gaming and tech companies announce the cancellation of their events as a precaution against the novel coronavirus.

Epic Games has cancelled Unreal Fest Europe 2020 in Prague; Riot Games abandons their planned Valorant hands-on event this month; Nvidia’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2020, which was supposed to be held in San Jose, California has been turned into an online digital conference instead; Facebook’s F8 Conference in San Jose is now a no-go; GamesFirst London 2020 has also been called-off; and Google’s I/O 2020 has been scrubbed.

E3 organizers, however, still refuse to throw in the towel and will be continuing the event as planned. The latest statistics show that over 94,000 cases of COVID-19 infection have been reported and over 3,200 lives have been claimed by the deadly virus.