Crowfall Will Move Into A Live Environment Soon; Kickstarter Rewards Updated

crowfall knightCrowfall moves one small step closer to release as it prepares to add in a live server in addition to the Test server currently in use. ArtCraft Entertainment promises to, as much as possible, keep the live server running 24/7 with a lot fewer wipes than the Test server. Of course, there will still be downtimes for maintenance, updates, and any other changes that need to be made to the server. Associate Producer Max Lancaster explains how the live environment will work in conjunction with the test environment:

“Once we have a build we think looks pretty good, we’ll put it out to the test environment. This is technically where the players have been living since we started testing. You guys will find a ton of bugs (as you inevitably do) and report them on the forums (because you rock) and then we receive them and make changes to the build, running it through our internal testing and then re-propping to test, over and over until we hit a build a looks pretty stable.

THEN, thanks to our new ecosystem, we can move that pretty stable, cleaned-up build from the test environment to the live environment, exposing it to a much larger group of players. The live environment will eventually become the live game. We will only wipe it when absolutely necessary and it will be up all the time (outside of normal maintenance).”

In other Crowfall news, ArtCraft has updated its Kickstarter rewards and removed obsolete ones like the “Reserve Unique Character Name” reward given to Bronze backers and up. “During the course of development, it is inevitable that some systems will change, and these changes sometimes have a ripple effect on backer rewards,” says ArtCraft Co-Founders J. Todd Coleman and Gordon Walton. “Since account names are already unique, this reward is obsolete, and we’ve decided to replace this former reward with the Arkon Greatsword Relic.”

Watch the developers answer questions from Ruby backers and higher in the June ACE Q&A which you’ll conveniently find right after the break. Check out the Crowfall official site for more details.

Crowfall - ACE Q&A for June 2017: We're not done yet