Crowfall's Discipline System Detailed

Despite having static looks thus far, Crowfall's archetype builds won't be static at all. The game will have a "Discipline system" that allows players to customize their chosen archetypes in ways that resemble multi-classing. The Discipline system will allow players to equip various "inventory objects" and runestones to unlock "powers, stats, and access to new kinds of weapons," as well as "new equipment slots," passives, and "even [...] new power trays."

"Like everything else in the game," runes can be crafted by players. Because of this, they have quality levels. The higher their quality, the more "bonuses from attributes, statistics, etc." they receive, but the bonuses that you receive from the runestone itself will be granted to you regardless of the runestone's quality level.

Interestingly, runestones can't be dequipped and then re-equipped. If you replace a runestone, it will be destroyed.

Disciplines will be broken into three categories: Major, Minor, and Weapon. Major disciplines are "based [around] a themed subclass," introducing a few powers, equipment slots, and "upgrades to baseline archetype powers"; only one or two Major disciplines can be equipped at a time. Minor disciplines are "based around one power or idea," introducing "one active or passive power"; up to three Minor disciplines can be equipped at a time. Weapon disciplines are "based around a specific type of weapon," giving archetypes the choice of up to "seven different styles of weapon"; only one Weapon discipline can be equipped at a time.

You can read more about the Discipline system on the official website.

Crowfall - Parade of Houses