Blizzard Drops More Info On Upcoming Diablo 4 Closed And Open Beta Tests

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Blizzard Entertainment offers up more information on this month’s upcoming pair of Diablo 4 weekend beta tests. As previously revealed, the first weekend playtest will take place from March 17-18 and will be open exclusively to those who pre-ordered the game, while everyone else will get to take the game out for a spin from March 24-26.

Participants of both tests will be able to play through the Prologue quests and the entirety of Act 1. The first playtest, however, will only have four of the five classes available for testing but all of them will be available during the second round. Both tests will focus on pushing the servers to their limits and gathering feedback on class balance with world bosses spawning regularly to encourage players to gather and fight in a single zone.

Blizzard also updated the original beta announcement with previews of the exclusive cosmetic rewards that will be up for grabs during the beta tests, the actual start and end times, and the PC system requirements needed to run the highly awaited game.

Diablo IV | Beta Early Access Gameplay Trailer