Digital Extremes Appoints Steve Sinclair As Its New CEO As James Schmalz Steps Down

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Digital Extremes has a new captain on deck as its CEO, James Schmalz, turns the reins over to CCO Steve Sinclair. The new CEO is best known as the former lead developer of Warframe and the current head honcho for the studio’s upcoming MMO, Soulframe.

Sinclair will continue to lead Soulframe’s development alongside his new duties as CEO with the help of Geoff Crookes as creative director. As for Schmalz, he’ll stay on to serve as a member of the board of directors.

“It’s been a long journey from Epic Pinball to Soulframe,” said Schmalz. “I feel immensely privileged to have been able to play my part in shaping our industry; building our stellar team has been a fulfilling life work. I feel in Steve we have the ideal leader to take us and our growing community of players into a new era and can’t wait to see what can be accomplished under his leadership.”