Digital Extremes Reveals New Free To Play Shooter: The Amazing Eternals

Digital Extremes, the Canadian studio behind smash hit Warframe, has just released more details on their next title. Originally codenamed Keystone, the game was teased back in May as a mix between FPS and card games.

Several months later, we finally have more information on the project. The game is a hero shooter titled The Amazing Eternals. Closed Beta and the Founders program begin on August 29, 2017. The Amazing Eternals is inspired by 1970s American Pulp Fiction and has a stylish and distinct art style.

Digital Extremes chose an interesting time to get into the hero shooter market. Its a tough genre dominated by Overwatch. Rival buy to play games like Battleborn and Lawbreakers haven't been able to find their footing. The Amazing Eternals will launch as a free to play game, boosting its chances of success. The card system in the game reminds me of Paladins, another free to play hero shooter.

A 3 minute developer diary goes into more detail on the environments, gameplay elements, and where the team drew their inspiration for The American Eternals.

The Amazing Eternals - Official Reveal Trailer

Further Reading: Official Site