Donkey Crew’s Latest Dev Vlog Talks About How Melee Combat Works In Last Oasis

last oasis melee combat bannerLast week, Donkey Crew announced that they were pushing back Last Oasis’ launch date for the second time to give them more time to make the upcoming sandbox survival game “stand out” from other survival games. Developer vlogs will apparently also keep coming while work on the game continues.

In the

dev vlog, Producer and Game Designer Chris Thompson talks about the game’s combat system and show’s off actual melee combat footage both on the ground and on the walking wooden contraptions that players will use to get around the sun-scorched world.

Based on the video, Last Oasis' combat system is similar to Ubisoft’s For Honor where players choose the direction of their attacks and blocks using the mouse. According to Thompson, the combat system may be a difficult to learn at first but it should keep the difficulty of throwing basic combat attacks to a minimum while creating room for “high skill ceilings” for more advanced players.

Watch it in action below.

Last Oasis - Devlog #2 - A new approach to Melee Combat