Embers Adrift Shows Off Blightroot Grove Gameplay In Its Latest Dev Stream

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Stormhaven Studios continues to build up Embers Adrift following its rather disappointing launch last October as part of the studio’s promise to “get the game to mature” post-launch. Over the past few months, the developers have added a whole host of new features and content in addition to various gameplay improvements and subscription price changes, all in a bid to please its community.

Among the newly added content is a new Ember Vein instance called Blightroot Grove that was added to the northern reaches of the Highland Hills with the release of its Power of the Ember Veins update late last month. The new Ember Vein is the highlight of Stormhaven’s latest developer livestream where they partnered with YouTubers to show off the new instance and the new challenges that players will be facing within it.

You can check out the full developer livestream below.

5 september 2023 - Blightroot Grove with content creators (Hotfix, Community news, Weekly Game)