Embers Adrift Asks Community To Help Spread The Word Of Its Unlimited Free Trial

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Last week saw Embers Adrift offer up a permanent free trial with unlimited access to all game content except for key social features like chat channels and trading. This week’s community video touches on that free trial with a call to help spread the word on social media since developer Stormhaven Studios’ lack of a marketing fund.

“Of course it would be nice if we could do big marketing campaigns,” said community manager Elloa. “The marketing budget is very often larger than the game development budget. We don’t have that money. We have tried to do it with more modest means and it didn’t work because for marketing, you either go full-in or you don’t, apparently.”

Elloa also talked about this week’s game update which made Redshore Ridge Hallow mobs non-aggressive, increased mob spawns in various zones in Grimstone Canyon, added new reward tiers for Forest of Madness, and fixed a handful of known issues. You can check out the community video in its entirety down below and the latest patch notes on the Embers Adrift official site.

27 FEB 2024 - with @Annoyingllama - Patch Notes, Road Map, News #embersadrift