Embers Adrift Reverts Memory Leak Fix That Caused Server Instability Last Week

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Stormhaven Studio’s efforts to address a server memory leak in Embers Adrift earlier this month has inadvertently ended up causing more problems for the dev team. As soon as the fix was deployed, the servers became so unstable that the developers decided that they were better off with the memory leak and promptly pulled the newly-added code.

While the leak remains a problem, there were no reported crashes throughout the weekend. In the meantime, the developers have added more server memory as a band-aid solution while they try to reproduce the bug and send and send their findings to Unity. Players are also advised to switch between instances from time to time so they can reset and scrub the bloated executables as they pop up.

The issue has also thrown a wrench in Stormhaven’s patch release schedule and have pushed back the next update to tomorrow to give the team more time to work on any other problems that might come up. The update in question will introduce a host of bug fixes which unfortunately won’t include one for the memory leak just yet.

The studio also teased the addition of new zones and adjustments for equipment repair costs at higher levels. The memory leak bug, however, remains a top priority.