Fae Farm Shows Off All Of The Magical Things You Can Do On Your Virtual Farm

fae farm market art

Based on the title alone, you can probably deduce that Fae Farm will revolve around planting, harvesting, and gathering errr… things. Definitely not fairies though as Phoenix Labs revealed in their latest developer video.

The video offers more in-depth information about the game’s farming system and the type of activities you’ll be able to engage in. These include laying out fields, planting a variety of crops, harvesting them, chopping trees, and fishing. Players will also apparently be able to raise livestock, bees, and pets, as well as put up produce stalls to sell their wares.

“Merge magic with farming to create an enchanted homestead with your unique touch. As you tend your farm, you can care for a variety of cuddly animals who'll give you eggs, wool, and more. Raise baby animals in a variety of colors and explore the island to discover even more magical critters to raise for magical ingredients!”

The game also promises a colorful, and more importantly, peaceful world filled with “magic, kindness, and the endless possibility to be whoever you want.”

“Nurture life, friendships, and inner peace, while infusing a touch of magic in everything you do,” added Phoenix Labs.

Fae Farm is scheduled to launch on September 7th barring any more unexpected delays. The game is available for pre-purchase on Steam with a $59.99 price tag.

Meanwhile, cozy casual games are taking the gaming community by storm this week as Steam kicks off its week-long Wholesome Games 2023 event. Event details can be found here. You can also learn more about Fae Farm’s farming system in the new trailer below.

Farm to Fable: The Farmers | Fae Farm