Fae Farm Tweaks Pause And World Clock Mechanics, Crafting Costs, And More

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Pheonix Labs is rolling out another Fae Farm update today that will introduce a whole host of bug fixes and feature adjustments. Some of the key changes included in the update revolve around the game’s pause mechanic and how it affects the in-game world clock. Entering construction and deconstruction modes or loading screens in single-player sessions will stop the world [...]

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Phoenix Labs Teams Up With Fast Food And Grocery Chains For Fae Farm Cross-Promotions

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Phoenix Labs has partnered with multiple food and grocery chains to promote its recently released cozy multiplayer farming life simulator, Fae Farm. “There’s been no shortage of friends out in your world looking to celebrate Fae Farm’s launch with us. We’ve garnered new buddies in fast food, grocery, ice cream, peripherals and boba coming very soon!” the studio announced. The [...]

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Fae Farm Shows Off Mid-Game Content, Housing Customization, And NPC Romance

fae farm candle light dinner

Phoenix Labs is back with another developer deep dive livestream where they show off more gameplay footage from Fae Farm. This time around, the team moved up the progression ladder a fair bit and offered a glimpse of mid-game content and gameplay systems. Some of the more noteworthy previews include a demonstration of potion effects, a conservatory station that produces [...]

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Fae Farm Shows Off All Of The Magical Things You Can Do On Your Virtual Farm

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Based on the title alone, you can probably deduce that Fae Farm will revolve around planting, harvesting, and gathering errr… things. Definitely not fairies though as Phoenix Labs revealed in their latest developer video. The video offers more in-depth information about the game’s farming system and the type of activities you’ll be able to engage in. These include laying out [...]

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