Fae Farm Tweaks Pause And World Clock Mechanics, Crafting Costs, And More

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Pheonix Labs is rolling out another Fae Farm update today that will introduce a whole host of bug fixes and feature adjustments. Some of the key changes included in the update revolve around the game’s pause mechanic and how it affects the in-game world clock.

Entering construction and deconstruction modes or loading screens in single-player sessions will stop the world clock and pause any active buff and debuff timers. Crafting and conversion timers, however, will continue to tick down and any passive effects will remain active while the world clock is paused. You’ll also be invincible during the pause and all animals and enemies will be stopped in their tracks.

In multiplayer, the world clock will also pause at the end of the day until the first player clicks out of the market results screen. The screen itself will also be updated with a new section that will allow you to inform other players whether you’re ready to move on to the next day. “If all players in a multiplayer session are either in the Pause Menu, Construction Mode, Decoration Mode, or on the End of Day screen, the World Clock will be paused,” Phoenix Labs explains.

Today’s update will also allow lower the overall crafting cost of many rugs and fences by decreasing the amount of unrefined materials needed to craft refined materials like Cotton Fabric and Beech Lumber. Note that reclaiming the more expensive version of the said items will only give you back their new costs.

The sell value of Maple Moths and Queen Bees has also been increased from 30 to 60 and from 40 to 50, respectively.

The rest of the patch is dedicated to an extensive list of fixes for issues related to quest progression, Coasts of Croakia DLC activities, the user interface, and the save system, among other things. Details can be found on the Fae Farm official site.