Galaxies Of Eden Reveals How Interstellar Travel Almost Wiped Out Humanity In The Game

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Toronto-based indie developer MIR Cybernetics Corporation sheds light on the lore surrounding their in-development social sandbox MMORPG, Galaxies of Eden.

“Galaxies of Eden takes place in a universe filled with life and chaos. From the smallest organisms to the mightiest empires, life is everywhere in the galaxy. Even though life is abundant, only very few species are capable of achieving space travel, and even a lesser amount are capable of interstellar travel.”

According to the studio’s latest dev blog, the game is set years in the future where interstellar travel is a part of everyday life thanks to the discovery of Star System Gateways. Unfortunately, humanity’s discovery of these ancient structures drew the attention of powerful galactic empires which resulted in the destruction of Earth and all its colonies. Humans are on the brink of extinction and living as refugees in a planet called Esnan where they’re forced to scavenge daily to survive.

Meanwhile, the studio is continuing to work on the game and have been focusing on developing the game launcher, which the devs say will ensure efficient delivery of updates while keeping patch sizes to a minimum.

“We’ve built a hybrid peer to peer / centralized architecture to achieve this goal,” explained MIR. “This hybrid architecture will let us considerably reduce the cost of updates and make the delivery process more stable and easier to manage. On top of that our entire authentication scheme is based on tokens. Hence, launcher will remember you for a while, and you won’t have to bother with pressing login button at all times.”

“Unfortunately developing a complex launcher took longer than expected, at least finally we got it, and we can move into other matters!” the team added.

MIR is looking to release an Alpha version of Galaxies of Eden early this year. We’ll let you know as soon as the studio announces a hard date. Head over to the official site for more info.