H1Z1 Will Delay Battle Royale Passes

After announcing earlier that H1Z1's popular battle royale mode would have monthly passes in the future, Daybreak has decided to change their minds. Through a Reddit announcement post, president John Smedley made the following remarks:

"We've listened to your feedback. It came through loud and clear. From our perspective we've been really super clear about our plans from even before day 1 regarding this. What's also clear though is that you expect more from us in terms of quality level so that's what we're going to do. We'll focus on bugs, awesome new stuff and adding a ton of features to BR and our main game to make you feel like you're more than happy to pay for it. Only then will we charge for it."

This will be a great relief to players as there was outrage at charging for battle royale while the game is still in early access.

For more information, check out the announcement.