Haven And Hearth Gets Custom Imagery


A rare feature in today's MMOs, Seatribe have added custom imagery to Haven and Hearth. Players can now upload their own images to their server and craft in-game battle standards, tabards, village flags, and more using those images. The game currently determines how expensive each image is to craft based on a "pigmentation system." Each image is analyzed by the server, searching for a few cardinal colors—red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, turquoise, white, and black—in order to determine which dyes are needed based on "color fields and [...] contours." Each color field will cost 0.05 liters of linseed oil. You will need 0.5 Psyche per contour. Seatribe note that offensive images will be removed at developer discretion.

Some other changes were also made in this patch. Meatpies have been added to the game. Lettuce seeds in buckets no longer crash the game.

For the full patch notes, head over to the official forums.