Haven And Hearth Introduces "An Interesting Madness"


Haven and Hearth's road system did not end up encouraging player interaction and trade the way that Seatribe intended. As an experiment, they have introduced a new form of fast travel through the use of "Charter Stones," which they call "an interesting madness to try out." Charter Stones work much like the game's Hearth Secrets. If you know the name of a Charter Stone—set by its creator—you can teleport to it from another Charter Stone. If you tell the Charter Stone name to the "skull pole in the character creation room," new characters can even spawn at the Charter Stone. To balance this out, you can only have one Charter Stone per village and cannot use Charter Stones when outlawed.

In the coming months, siege, warfare, death, and new player experience improvements are planned. Over the holidays, the game's subscription fee was rendered temporarily unnecessary. Jorb notes that they enjoyed the time that the game was free and that they are "continuously evaluating the [subscription] model."