Haven and Hearth's Latest Update Takes Players To The Hall Of The Gods

A new Haven and Hearth patch released today allows players to visit the Hall of the Gods. If you have a character that is dead and worthy, meaning they had over 50 Intelligence and 100,000 Learning Points, you can take the rainbow in character creation to the Hall of the Gods. In this land, "death is a passing condition" and battle wages on forever. In the hall is a roasting pig that, when eaten, provides buffs and healing. Overall, the description is a bit unclear but it seems as if it is a non-stop PvP battlefield rather than just a gated realm with permadeath off.

In addition to the above, players can now build a Great Hall. They can build and pave with "Cat Gold." Shielding and parrying are now possible during combat.

Interestingly, this patch is the first in a while to have a patch item. Pictured above, this patch's $5 item is the "Cat Hat," a hat undoubtedly inspired by the Cat In the Hat.