Hearthstone Announces Latest Expansion 'Saviors of Uldum!'

Hearthstone announced its latest expansion titled Saviors of Uldum! yesterday and with it comes 135 new cards as well as several new mechanics:

New Keyword – Reborn
Minions with the Reborn Keyword will return to life the first time they’re destroyed, but with 1 remaining Health.
Introducing – Plagues
Plagues are spells of ancient power wielded by the 5 League of E.V.I.L. classes (Priest, Shaman, Warrior, Warlock, and Rogue.) These cards wreak havoc indiscriminately,
affecting every Minion on the board, so it’s best to be the one who decides when they’re unleashed.
Introducing – Quests
As with existing Quest cards, these Legendary 1-Mana cards start in your hand and, once played, their progress will track above your Hero portrait. After your Quest is complete, you’ll be immediately rewarded with a game-changing new Hero Power.

Official Announcement Trailer:

Saviors of Uldum Announcement Trailer | Hearthstone

Cinematic Trailer:

Saviors of Uldum Cinematic Trailer | Hearthstone

As with previous expansion announcements, pre-order bundles are available now. There's a 50 pack bundle which includes a random golden legendary card and the Elise Starseeker Card back for $49.99. The 80 Pack bundle costs $79.99 and includes the previous bonuses as well as the new Elise Starseeker Druid Hero.

Further reading: Official website