Jagex Acting CEO Talks About Their Experiences Under Chinese Company

It’s been nearly a year since Jagex and their flagship game RuneScape was acquired by the Chinese company Fukong Interactive Entertainment. So how are things fairing over at Jagex? Well, if their newly refurbished offices are any indication, they seem to be doing quite well. Jagex COO and Acting CEO Phil Mansell sits down with Game Industry’s Christopher Dring to talk about their experiences with Fukong.

"I get asked quite a lot: 'You were bought by a big Chinese company. Are you ok?' But it has actually been a... well, relief sounds a bit rude. It's been empowering.

[Fukong] want us to grow, of course, and they're being supportive. But they are not looking for some crazy, transformative, risky things. They want us to focus on what we're good at. They've looked at RuneScape and said you can do more with that. Can you make more games? Yeah, we can. Can we work on multiple platforms? Yes. It is a measured approach and the right things to be doing. I feel we are in a good place now. . .”

Mansell also said that, “[Fukong] is building a gaming group and we are going to be the hub of the Western side of that.” According to the Acting CEO, RuneScape will always be the studio’s number one priority and that player feedback will always play a big part in any decisions made. Jagex is also looking to acquire new studios, and hopes to come out with a new product within the next five years.

In other Jagex news, their flagship game RuneScape has just turned 15. Check out the story behind the iconic record-breaking MMORPG in the video below.

The RuneScape Documentary - 15 Years of Adventure