Last Oasis Developers Give A Virtual Tour Of The Upcoming Nomadic Survival MMO

last oasis walker group bannerLast week, Last Oasis developer, Donkey Crew, treated the press to the latest gameplay footage from the upcoming post-apocalyptic survival MMO ahead of its Steam Early Access launch on March 26th.

Like most post-apocalyptic survival games, you get dropped in the middle of nowhere and are immediately tasked with gathering resources, crafting tools needed to survive, and building a shelter where you can hunker down and store your precious loot. But, unlike other survival games, staying in just one spot and just riding out whatever comes your way isn’t an option. The game will eventually force you to move as the unusually powerful post-apocalyptic sun slowly makes its way towards you and scorches everything it touches.

What happened to the sun, you ask? Nothing, it’s the Earth that went haywire. In Last Oasis, the Earth has stopped rotating causing an ice age on the far side and turning the other half into a blistering barren desert. Remember, Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Well, in between these two extreme environments are swaths of livable area, called Oases, that’s “just right.” This area, however, is constantly shifting as the Earth revolves around the sun. I bet you tried picturing it with your two fists, don’t worry I did too.

Of course, walking or running away isn’t going to cut it, which is where Walkers come in. These mobile wooden vehicles come in various sizes and are your main form of transportation as you make your way to from one oasis to the next. They can also carry supplies and even other survivors. The massive ones, like the hornet, resemble a giant walking fortress and can take ages for a single player to build. This is where guilds come in. The more people working on one thing means less time spent gathering resources and actually building the Walker. Walkers can also be fitted with weapons and are extremely useful in combating the myriad of threats you’ll be facing, not the least of which are other survivors.

Speaking of combat, the combat system in Last Oasis is skill-based and is similar to that of For Honor with weapons inspired by Dark Souls. Players hold down the mouse button and drag their mouse in the direction of their attack. Blocking also works the same way. As for gathering resources, the game features your run-of-the-mill survival and crafting mechanics. In a world where the sun bakes everything dry, water is the most important resource. You’ll not only need it to keep hydrated but also to power your Walkers. You’ll also need wood, stone, and other materials to craft items and weapons, and build other necessary structures. Stocking up on resources whenever you reach a new oasis is vital to survival. Of course, you can also raid other survivors’ bases and walkers to plunder their resources.

Players can also claim land which gives them, and their group, 24 hours to gather resources and defend their land from other players. But, since the game mechanics require players to be constantly on the move, staying and defending the spot long-term isn’t an option.

Overall, Last Oasis looks to be the game that will breathe new life to the post-apocalyptic survival genre with its unique game mechanics. The combat is fast and both the PvE and PvP battles are challenging, although a bit choppy at times. But, the Walkers is where the game really shines. It ties in well with the game’s nomadic concept and will probably keep players busy for days, if not weeks, on end.