Lineage 2's Helios Update Brings About A New Age Of Giants


NCSoft announced yesterday that the latest Lineage 2 update, Helios, is now live. "A new age has begun," the announcement boldly states. The giants have awoken and it's up to players to take them down before they can bring back the Giants' World. A new zone called the Dreadnaught Superion has been added, complete with three new Raid Bosses, each of which are giants. The new content is designed for players above level 102.

The story for the new content is as follows.

When Etis van Etina destroyed the Garden of Spirit, the aftermath caused a life support system stored deep inside the ruins of the Giant’s Cave to reactivate from its dormant state. Absorbing energy from the shattered remains of the Spirit Garden, the Shine Stone restored power back to magical devices placed at the base of the Lesser Giants, awakening Helios and the Dreadnaught Superion. Basking in deep thought and eventually consumed by his urge for more power, Helios gives rebirth to his men and receives the destiny to revive the Giants’ World once again.

The update also removes the level cap and adds new skills. Five new factions have been introduced, each with their own quests and special abilities. You can find more information on the update page or in the full patch notes.