Mobile Studio Plarium Acquired By Casino Company For $500 Million

Israel-based mobile gaming studio Plarium has been acquired by the Australian casino firm Aristocrat for $500 million in cash plus performance based earn outs spanning the next two years.

Plarium runs a portfolio of browser and mobile strategy games including:

Besides having the most generic names possible, these games are all extremely pay-to-win (P2W) which is likely how Plarium drew the attention of a casino company. Like slot machines, these "strategy" games are engineered to get players hooked and to keep them spending. Other popular titles in this genre include Game of War and Clash of Clans.

Plarium has 1,200 employees across Europe, The United States, and Israel. Founder and CEO Avraham Shalel and 12 other members of the management team will continue to lead the company after the deal closes.

Check out some gameplay footage of the first 10 minutes in one of Plarium's earlier titles:

Nords: Heroes of the North - Gameplay Footage