Nightingale Has Mostly Fixed The Bug That Caused Player Houses And Realms To Disappear

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This weekend saw Nightingale player houses (or bases) pull a disappearing act overnight due to a persistence bug in the latest game update. Inflexion Games promptly rolled back the update and got to work on manually restoring the lost houses by request while leaving character progression completely intact. The studio reports that approximately 240 realms vanished due to the bug.

The rollback appears to have fixed the issue, at least partially, as the studio reports that players may encounter portal travel errors on account of the new measures that were implemented to prevent entire realms and houses from vanishing in the future. “As servers will now do additional checks for persistence, you may see additional travel errors after this update. If you receive this error, please try again after a couple of minutes,” warns the devs.

Players who’ve yet to have their Abeyance and Respite Realms restored and those who encounter a similar issue are asked to submit a ticket through this Google Doc to start the restoration process.