Nightingale Outlines Accessibility Features Including An Arachnophobia Mode

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Arachnophobes needn’t worry about coming face to face with eight-legged creepy crawlies during their adventures in Nightingale, as they’ll have the option to toggle them off in the survival game’s early access build and during Saturday’s stress test.

Other accessibility features that players can look forward to include a third-person mode, FOV sliders, the ability to disable motion blur, and a toggle crouch option. The game will also feature fully mappable keybindings and controller support, although controllers will only partially work during the stress test while custom keybindings won’t be available at all. Both features, however, will be fully implemented when the Victorian era multiplayer survival game launches into early access.

“We recognize that there can be many different barriers that could prevent someone from enjoying games in the same way as others,” says developer Inflexion Games. “One of our goals with Nightingale is to bring people together and create memorable experiences for players of all backgrounds. We look forward to welcoming more and more folks to the faewilds as we continue to make it an inclusive experience for as many aspiring Realmwalkers as possible.”

Nightingale is scheduled to make its early access debut on Steam and the Epic Games Store on February 22. The team will also be holding a final invite-only stress test this Saturday, February 3 which will run for three hours starting at 10 a.m. PST.

Developer Update: Stress Test Signups, Latest Playtest, and More!