Nightingale Outlines Early Access Priorities Including Offline Mode And QoL Improvements

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This week’s Nightingale patch might have been on the small side but it did lay the groundwork for some of the bigger things that Inflexion Games has been cooking up, as revealed in its early access roadmap.

“While we’re happy with some elements of our launch, we’re not satisfied with a number of others,” Inflexion Games CEO Aaryn Flynn admits. “These include network issues, confusing or missing features for core systems like crafting, and important updates to combat. With yesterday’s patch, we started addressing many of the most urgent gaps and bugs in the overall game experience. But there’s much more to do, and we wanted to share our next round of most important updates with you.”

In the short-term, players can expect more balance tweaks, fixes for known exploits and connection issues, expanded farming, and the ability to stack items and skip the tutorial. Further down the line, the team promises crafting improvements, more building pieces, better AI, and the much-needed offline mode that’s now being fast tracked for release due to insistent player demand. That’s on top of new biomes, realm cards, weapons, and mobs.

Once they’ve gotten all of those out onto the live servers, full release will likely be just around the corner. For now, players can rest easier knowing that Inflexion Games is cooking up big things for the Victorian-era multiplayer survival game.