Inflexion Games Extends Nightingale Stress Test As Its Servers Continue To Hold Strong

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Nightingale’s final stress test is now live, and it’s been going so great that Inflexion Games decided to extend it by a few hours. Obviously, the whole point of the playtest is to try and break the servers and the studio is giving players until 6 p.m. PST to give it all they’ve got.

The stress test was originally scheduled to run for four hours, starting from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. PST. After two hours of testing with no major issues, the studio decided to crank things up a notch by extending the playtest by five hours.

If you received an invite but missed the earlier window, you still have roughly three hours as of this writing to jump into the game and do your part to help push the servers to their limits and have fun in the Fae Realms while you’re at it. The tutorial has been disabled and you’ll start with a full set of items and gear so you can jump right into the action.

Meanwhile, the servers are still proving to be an extremely tough nut to crack. “Our servers are holding strong so far,” the studio reports.