Novaquark Explains How Dual Universe's Server Works


As a game that is intended to be a boundless, single shard MMO, you may wonder how exactly Dual Universe is going to work. Fortunately for you, developer Novaquark has released a video detailing how "its proprietary Continuous Single Shard Cluster technology" works. The server software dynamically splits clusters of players into cube-shaped shards based on location, which then distribute the load across multiple servers.

To help reduce the amount of data sent back and forth, the server sends your client fewer updates about players based on your proximity to said player. Whereas players within 100 meters of you will move smoothly, the names of players upwards of 700 meters away will appear to "blink" in and out due to fewer updates about them being sent to your client. However, interpolation techniques will allow their movement to appear smooth even though you are not being updated about their location every step of the way.

You can find the video embedded below.

Dual Universe DevDiary - Massively Multiplayer Server Technology Pre-Alpha Video