Palworld Has Sold Over 5 Million Copies And Set A New All-Time Concurrency Record

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Who new Pokémon with guns would be so popular? In the three days since it launched, Palworld has managed to snag the fifth spot on Steam’s all-time most played games list, edging out Elden Ring and Cyberpunk 2077 by a considerable margin.

It’s also flying off the digital shelves with over 5 million copies sold in just three days. Developer Capcom reports that the early access Pokémon-like game is selling at an impressive rate of 86,000 units per hour.

The game’s success comes at a price though as its servers are still struggling to accommodate the horde of players that continue to flock to the game. Customer support has also been swamped with over 50,000 complaints related to bugs and issues with entering servers, multiplayer, and lost saved data. Capcom, however, is on the case and promises to share more information about upcoming fixes “as soon as possible.”

It’s unclear how long Palworld launch craze will last, but it doesn’t look like its going to be dying down anytime soon. In fact, the multiplayer survival game just broke its all-time Steam concurrency record by roughly 41,000 players as of this writing, with a new peak daily concurrency of 1,397,332 players and rising. That’s not counting those playing on Xbox.