Path of Exile's Long Term Plans

Grinding Gear Games has just posted a developer Q&A for their ARPG game, Path of Exile. This Q&A goes into heavy detail on their reasoning for some features in the game, as well as on upcoming events. Outside of the game world, the staff has increased and they will be moving to a larger office within the next few months. Within the game, there were many questions answered about the upcoming spring expansion, Act 4. There will be much added content and overall improvements (including localization for German, French, and Brazilian Portugese), as well as a South American data center.

Grinding Gear also mentioned how it would deal with cheaters, stating that, "[they]  have been taking a very aggressive stance towards banning players for running cheating software. It has made a big impact (not only by banning the cheaters but by discouraging other people from starting to cheat)."

There seems to be much to look forward to for Path of Exile fans, so the following year should be one to enjoy!

For more information, check out the official Q&A.