PlanetSide 2 Is Turning 11 Years Old Next Week, Capture The Conduit Bases Coming Soon

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PlanetSide 2 is gearing up to celebrate its 11th birthday next week with an anniversary update that brings notable changes to several gameplay systems. Those include updates to Oshur bases, new Geode and Crystal-themed armor for MAXes, and a revert of the medic tool functionality.

Developer Rogue Planet Games also outlined upcoming improvements to Capture the Conduit bases for smoother gameplay and to improve the overall experience. The main focus will be to “hybridize” them with existing capture points to make them more familiar, readable, and reliable while still retaining their unique aspects.

Capture the Conduit mechanics will also be updated to be more in line with traditional method of holding and defending capture points until the base is captured. Instead of delivering conduits to repositories, players will instead use conduits to turn repositories into capture points similar to the normal ones.

The team also plans to adjust the placement of conduits and repositories as well as player and sunderer spawns. Testing for the above-mentioned changes is set to start soon.

Meanwhile, outfit enlistment has officially begun in preparation for the return of Outfit Wars in December. You can check out the next Outfit Wars season trailer below.

PlanetSide 2 - Outfit Wars - Nexus Season 2 Trailer