Robocraft Makes The Move To Beta, 10 Million Registered Players

Robocraft has been in Early Access for nearly three years. Three years. Would you believe that, for the entirety of those three years, the game has been in Alpha? I wouldn't either, but apparently it has. Its developer, Freejam, announced today that it entered Beta earlier today, bringing with it a number of major changes.

Robocraft's Beta update includes the following changes.

  • The game's "Normal Mode" is now a 5v5 mode, whereas it was previously 8v8. This changes was made so that player skill factors in more than before.
  • Every one of the Normal Mode's maps have been redesigned, "offering more gameplay complexity and strategy," as well as improved visuals.
  • Matchmaking is now based on an ELO system, offering "closer, more competitive, and more fun" matches.
  • A new mechanic, known as the "Protonite Core" or "The Equaliser" has been introduced. Now, at some point during a match, a "giant crystal" will spawn "for a limited time." If the losing team manages to get a hold of the crystal, they could potentially make a comeback.

Freejam CEO and Game Director Mark Simmons had the following to say about the announcement.

Since its arrival on Steam Early Access, Robocraft has been through multiple evolutions, radically altering key game aspects like progression, combat balance, modes and maps, to name but a few. However Robocraft is now reaching its fully evolved, final form and we can’t wait to see the response to the changes from our awesome community, as well as all the new players we’re hoping to welcome to the party.

With the move to Beta, it was announced that Robocraft is set to leave Early Access sometime this year. Additionally, it was announced that more than 10 million players have registered for the game and it is noted that the game is "regularly in the Top 10 F2P game chart on Steam."

If you'd like to try out the new Beta version of Robocraft, you can download the game now via Steam.