Shadow's Kiss Is A New Vampire MMO That's Currently In Pre-Alpha


If you're still mourning the loss of World of Darkness and Dogma: Eternal Night isn't happening fast enough for you, maybe Shadow's Kiss can fill the bat-shaped void they've left behind. Albeit the promo art makes the game look a bit not-so-serious—and perhaps, dare I say, casual—it does appear that, in reality, the game is attempting to create something of a massively multiplayer vampire simulator.

The game entered Pre-Alpha recently and is accessible to anyone that either pays $15 for Pre-Alpha access or buys a lair. Lairs are in-game homes that provide some sort of buff. You can pay either $39 to live in a sewer or $99 to not live in a sewer. Even hypothetically, it's quite a tough decision.

If you only opt for the $15 purchase and want to help support the game a bit more, but don't want to live in a sewer and can't afford to not live in a sewer, you can buy one of two in-game pets: a Succubus or a Werewolf. The idea of seeing werewolves dragged around as pets throughout the game makes me cringe a bit, but I suppose that it's not without precedent—I'm looking at you, True Blood.

Alternatively, you can support the game through Patreon, in which case, you will get no extra in-game goods, but you will get some other bonuses that were uniquely tailored to the Patreon model.

While the final game will feature classless progression, some form of evolution, and territorial warfare, the state of the Pre-Alpha version is a bit unclear. All I can say for sure is that it's not anywhere near finished and it is likely a "real" Pre-Alpha. I'd like to give more detail, but I can't find any mention of a forum that isn't locked behind a Patreon donation.

You can read more about Shadow's Kiss on the official website.

Shadow's Kiss Trailer 1