Triad Wars Shutting Down January 20th 2016


Triad Wars, the unanticipated sequel to Hong Kong underworld action game Sleeping Dogs, will be shutting down on January 20, 2016 at 12 p.m. The martial arts MMO never managed to escape the beta stage of development. In preparation players will no longer be able to spend money through the cash shop. And Gold will be made available for free. Previously purchased Gold that is unused will be refunded to players.

Personally, I don't find the news too surprising. The asynchronous action MMO deviated one step too far from its predecessor, and offered a confusing experience for players seeking a direct sequel. Without direct interaction between players, but indirect competition through base raiding, the game reflected a mobile MMO such as Clash of Clans—and lends to confusion as to what genre-umbrella Triad Wars falls under.

It's always unfortunate to see a game shut down, especially one that offered stylish, fluid combat in sprawling Hong Kong.

As a huge fan of Sleeping Dogs I hope that Triad Wars isn't the last time players explore the crime-ridden universe, and perhaps a new title will return to its roots.

Triad Wars Gameplay HD - Gumble's Grumbles