Vampire Survival MMO V Rising Begins Closed Beta Testing Next Week

v rising mmorpg female vampire throne banner

Stunlock Studios’ vampire survival MMORPG V Rising is set to kick off the first of its three closed beta tests next week in preparation for its Early Access launch. The first beta test will run for a week, beginning on March 23rd, and will be open to three thousand players from North America and Europe who are lucky enough to receive an invite.

“We’ll be shaking the dust off of a few thousand untouched coffins and introducing them to the world of Vardoran for the first time, so everyone begins on a level playing field. Those who haven’t had the opportunity to test the game just yet should start checking your emails soon, as we’ll be sending keys out later today!”

The closed beta test will allow testers to play through both solo and co-op modes, build their own castles, hunt tasty humans, and experience the game’s combat system. PvP servers will also be available for those who want the added challenge of going toe to toe with their fellow vampires.

Sign-ups are still open for the upcoming closed beta test. If you don’t get in, the team will be holding another playtest in April which will be open to a new batch of players. If you do get in, keep in mind that the playtest will be covered by an NDA so no streaming, recording, or screenshots of any kind will be allowed.

More information can be found in the Closed Beta FAQ on the V Rising official site. You can also catch a quick peek at the game in the new closed beta trailer below.

V Rising - Closed Beta Trailer