Veteran BioWare Designer Corey Gaspur Passes Away

bioware corey gaspurIt’s a sad day at BioWare as they mourn the loss of veteran designer, Corey Gaspur. BioWare announced Gaspur’s passing in a dev blog posted early yesterday. Gaspur started working for BioWare in March 2007 and had worked as a designer for a number of games such as Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and 3, and more recently as lead gameplay designer for the upcoming shooter – Anthem.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and colleague Corey Gaspur.

He was a member of our team for over nine years, and worked as a designer on many of our titles, including Sonic Chronicles, Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 2 and 3, and most recently Anthem.

Corey was a talented designer and an even better person. We offer our condolences to Corey’s family and everyone that knew him.

We will miss you.”

Notable BioWare personalities share their condolences on Twitter including the studio’s new General Manager, Casey Hudson, and Dragon Age Creative Director Mike Laidlaw.