Watch How Bounty Hunting Works In Mortal Online 2 In A New Teaser

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They say crime doesn’t but apparently hunting down criminals is now a lucrative activity in Mortal Online 2 with the recent addition of the Bounty Hunting system. As you can probably deduce from the name, the new system will task players with hunting down marks to get a big payday.

While developer Star Vault didn’t really elaborate on the new feature in the latest patch notes, they do have a new trailer that should give you a good idea of what the new system entails. You can watch all 48 seconds of it right down below.

As for actual players that are thinking about misbehaving, Star Vault now has implemented a new three-strike policy for offenders before they’re permanently banned so try to be on you best behavior.

Mortal Online 2 - Patch 1.0.2 Teaser