WEBZEN Announces ASTA Regional Restrctions, Localization Changes


With ASTA Online's Open Beta launching soon, there is the looming question of whether or not some regions will be IP blocked. WEBZEN has it covered, as they reveal the official regional restrictions. The bad news is that "Polygon Games have asked [WEBZEN] to once again tighten [their] region restrictions and only allow access to IPs in the 'area of service' as defined in WEBZEN's contractual agreement with them." Further access to ASTA will be "restricted based on IP geolocation," meaning you will be IP blocked if you do not live in one of the countries that is within the "area of service."

The good news is that a large number of countries will still have access to ASTA Online. All of Europe—Turkey and Russia included—will have access to the game. However, the only North American countries with access are the United States and Canada. Southeast Asia will not have access.

Additionally, a few changes have been made to the localization. HP is now being called Vitality. The Critical attribute is now being called Impact. The Ogre race is now the Doka race. Jeweler NPCs will be referred to as Socketers from here on. Realms and tribes are now factions and races.

Asta Online - Korean Open Beta Trailer