Worlds Adrift Alpha 6 Will Introduce Biomes


Worlds Adrift sort of has biomes already. There are islands made in various biomes, but the reality is that they're just kind of haphazardly scattered about the world right now. The same creatures and the same materials will show up on every island. They're an aesthetic difference that doesn't extend into the game mechanics.

Alpha 6 will change that. When Alpha 6 begins, there will be four biomes: the Badlands, the Expanse, the Remnants, and the Wilderness. Players will start in the Wilderness, which is "an idyll of gentle creatures amidst bountiful forests." From there, they will be able to explore "the sleepy villages of the Expanse," the more sizable ruins left behind in the Expanse, or the deserts of the Badlands.

You can read more about each of Worlds Adrift's biomes on the official website. Alpha 6 is coming soon, but an exact release date has yet to be announced.

Worlds Adrift on Twitch - Exploring Your Islands