ArtCraft Entertainment Laid Off Several Crowfall Team Members Over The Weekend

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ArtCraft Entertainment has laid off several members of the Crowfall team just two months after the Kickstarted “Throne War Simulator” officially launched on PC. Valerie Massey, the former ArtCraft Community Director and now Senior Community Manager for Dual Universe, broke the unfortunate news on Twitter over the weekend. Gutted and gobsmacked to hear about the @ArtCraftEnt layoffs today. Having worked [...]

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Crowfall Delayed Until 2018

In a Founders' Update posted November 15, the Crowfall team stated that the game would miss its 2017 soft launch window and was drawing a "line in the sand" to launch in 2018. The official update was very direct with readers and mentioned that Crowfall was initially slated to launch by December 2016 which will make the game at least [...]

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Crowfall Massive Reveal Day Shows Off New Graphics & More

About a week ago Artcraft Entertainment announced that something "massive" was about to happen in their upcoming MMORPG Crowfall. This announcement was followed by a week of hints and teasers, but today the "massive" news finally dropped! Crowfall's "Massive Reveal" day comprises three major changes: Races & Classes have replaced the archetype system 100+ Disciplines added and available in the [...]

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IndieGoGo Launches Equity Crowdfunding Portal, You Can Invest In ArtCraft Entertainment

IndieGoGo announced today that it has partnered with equity crowdfunding platform MicroVentures to launch a new equity crowdfunding portal. With the launch of this portal, IndieGoGo users will be given an opportunity to invest in various "startups and growing companies directly." However, while the opportunities will be listed on both IndieGoGo and MicroVentures, the transactions themselves will be handled by MicroVentures. [...]

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