Allods Online Rolls Out Its Gates Of The Worlds Update Later Today

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Allods Online’s big Gates of the Worlds update is rolling out later today featuring the addition of the new Sunslanger and Eden zones along with the return of the revamped Melting Isle PvP instance.

As announced last week, the basic mechanics for Melting Isle will remain in place but will be changed to a free-for-all encounter instead of raid vs. raid. Players will no longer be able to group up upon entering the instance and all character names will be set to “Treasure Hunter” to make it harder to form zergs and alliances.

“The ability to assemble a group or raid on a location caused the activity to displace the entire audience of free-lance open PvP fans and turned into a tool of politics between the leading guilds of the server. Now it will be impossible to assemble a group/raid on the Melting Isle, and the ability of players to cooperate in battle will be severely restricted.”

All combat vehicles and racers used within the instance will also have their speeds set to the same values regardless of their actual speed to allow for a fairer overall experience.

The update will also introduce new Eden-based PvP activities, new Astral Islands, along with a long list of class balance adjustments with special emphasis on the Wizard and Templar classes.

Gates of the Worlds Collector’s Editions, which contains various boosts, pets, and subscription time, are also available for purchase at €7.99 ($8.73) for the base edition and €19.99 ($21.83) for the higher tier. Both editions can also be purchased as a bundle for €24.99 ($27.29).

The Gates of the Worlds update goes live after the maintenance downtime scheduled for 8:00am PDT later today. Details can be found on the Allods Online official site.