Apex Legends Season 19 Features The Battle Royale’s First Filipino Legend ‘Conduit’

apex legends conduit character art

Apex Legends kicks off Season 19: Ignite and welcomes a brand-new character into its roster and the free-to-play battle royale’s first Filipino Legend – Conduit. Her backstory is reminiscent of a classic superhero origin story involving a Monarch Titan and exposure to deadly radiation.

The Titan’s pilot sacrificed his life by self-destructing his mech destroy an invading Ion Force threatening the young Conduit’s town and her family. Conduit later became a fan of the Apex Games and hoped to enter the deadly games herself to provide for her impoverished family. To help her achieve her goal, she exposed herself to the fallen Titan’s still-irradiated power core in hopes of gaining superpowers, which she obviously did.

For context, Apex Legends is set in Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall universe which began as a series of mech-based first-person shooters for PC and Xbox. Conduit’s backstory is the first time that Titans have been directly referenced in the popular battle royale title.

We’ve yet to see what kind of powers Conduit gained from the radiation exposure, but based on the Season 19 launch trailer, it looks like she can use the radiation coursing through her veins to power her gear, including a jetpack, stasis bombs, and a pair of wing-like drones.

You can learn more about Conduit’s backstory and watch her in action in the pair of new trailers below. Season 19: Ignite is set to begin on October 31st.

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Apex Legends: Ignite Launch Trailer