ArcheAge's Heroes Awaken And Get Knocked Out Cold

"Only 10% of players" made heroes that awoke in ArcheAge 2.0 yesterday, the forum post reads. The rest were stuck in some sort of limbo with Glyph login issues. Trion are taking full responsibility, saying that it was entirely the fault of a Glyph error and that ArcheAge 2.0 works as intended.

Thanks to this, they're performing a rollback. As the 10% were "able to claim a significant advantage in placing land," the team at Trion have decided to roll back the servers to provide a more even playing field. They note that "while it was previously not possible to perform a rollback, the Update 2.0 code allows for us to choose to roll the servers back." The rollback will be a "controlled" rollback and will set everyone on even ground for the land grab.

The launch itself is now staggered to better monitor the servers. The European server opened earlier today, whereas the North American server will be opening at 4 PM EDT. Legacy servers will open first, followed by Evolution servers and, finally, Fresh Start servers. These will be launched in half hour intervals.

Watch the Heroes Awaken Official Trailer below:

ArcheAge - Heroes Awaken 2.0 Update Trailer