Ashes Of Creation Showcases The Mage In Their Latest Alpha One Preview Blog

ashes of creation mage drain spell bannerIntrepid Studios has just published another Ashes of Creation Alpha One preview blog featuring the Mage Archetype. As you might expect, the Mage is a magic user that can deal massive amounts of damage using both AoE, DoT, and single target skills.

“As Verra brims with high magic, no party would be complete without a Mage. These masters of the arcane bring terrible elements to bear in devastating spells. If reality needs changing in some fashion, ask a Mage to help.

Mages tend to have the most direct relationship with essence compared to others, and they manage that bond with a singular will. Passive essence is converted into useful forms and patterns under their direction, which can then take the shape of nearly anything imaginable! Mages can bend space, summon light, or set the very air ablaze - applying force in all its rawness, or in any shade of their elemental fury.”

The Mage can also can also drain health from enemies to regain mana and use Blink to escape danger or travel long distances in a shorter amount of time.

Watch the Mage in action in the video below. Keep in mind that this is just the Alpha version and that the Mage may still change as Ashes of Creation moves ever closer to full release.

Ashes of Creation: Alpha One Preview of the Mage Archetype | Levels 1-10 Active Skills