The Benefits Of Getting Hitched In Revelation Online

While I don't philosophically believe in marriage—unless it's for health insurance—there are plenty of benefits to getting hitched in Revelation Online. In the latest guide post, the Revelation team outlines how to go about reading your vows and the benefits of declaring your faith.

You'll want make sure you have some Intimacy Points with your special someone first—covered in a previous guide. Once you have enough, form a party with your lover, and enter an instance at Nimbus Keep, then approach Rochin, and pay a fee. If you want to make a big deal out of your marriage then you'll need 300,000 Imperial Notes so you can invite friends and family, and guildies. Those of you who prefer going to a local judge can pay the cheaper 50,000 Imperial Note fee for your marriage certificate.

But what's the point of getting married in Revelation Online? First off, is a cosmetic title with your partner's name on it: it's like wearing your ring in-game. You'll also have a new action at the Hot Springs to use, which you can find by pressing N. It boosts the amount of experience gained from eating and drinking. Perhaps the most important benefit is increased Valor reward points from participating in battlegrounds together.

Then there's your marriage skills: letting you make food for your partner, revive your partner, and summon your partner to wherever you are. Love conquers all eh?

Plan on getting married in Revelation Online?

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