Black Desert Mobile Earning Almost 3x As Much Money as PC Version

Pearl Abyss reported their earnings last month and some interesting financial figures were disclosed. The most notable figure released is that Black Desert Mobile earns almost 3x as much money as the PC version of the game despite only being available in South Korea. The mobile version's North American / European release is expected to launch in Q1 2019.

Just to simplify these numbers: Black Desert Online made $26.3 million in revenue last quarter (Q2 2018) vs $73.5m for Black Desert Mobile in the same period. At this point it seems pretty clear that the mobile version of the game is the real moneymaker. PC users have long complained that the game was becoming more and more pay 2 win, but it looks like mobile users don't seem to mind, as the mobile version always had more p2w elements.

While Black Desert Online's console launch in early 2019 should boost the game's numbers, I suspect it won't come close to the mobile version's success. This goes to show just how powerful a platform mobile truly is.

Source: Pearl Abyss Investor Relations