Blizzard Bans Diablo 4 Season Exploiters, Rolls Out Patch 1.1.1 And Its Promised Fixes

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As you probably already know, each new season in Diablo 4 will require players to roll a new character and essentially start from scratch if they want to join the seasonal servers. However, some players weren’t too keen on starting over and managed to find a loophole that allowed them to transfer non-seasonal items to seasonal characters.

Unsurprisingly, Blizzard was quick to crack down on the exploiters and addressed the loophole with a hotfix over the weekend. The team didn’t go into specifics and failed to mention how many players were hit with the banhammer, although the consensus within the community is that they had it coming.

Meanwhile, Patch 1.1.1 is now live with a plethora of tweaks and adjustments designed to revert, or at least soften the blow dealt by the Season of the Malignant update to Diablo 4’s classes, particularly the Barbarian and Sorcerer. Monster density in several dungeons have also been increased and the “Leave Dungeon” nerf has been reversed, among others. Details can be found on the Patch 1.1.1 release notes.

Diablo IV | Gameplay Guides: Malignant Hearts Ft. Raxxanterax