Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed Launches Worldwide

As of today, mobile Dynasty Warriors spin-off Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed is no longer exclusive to residents of Australia, Canada, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Nay, as of today, the game has launched worldwide. We may all now hack and slash to our hearts' content and fight for the glory of our chosen Kingdom!

Dynasty Warriors: Unleash boasts the following features.

  • Conquest Mode - Challenging campaign for one or multiple players

  • Skirmish - Battle in real-time with up to four players

  • Boss Fights - Bypass the underlings and skip straight to the bosses, alone or in co-op

  • Raid - Steal fragments from opponents in this multiplayer mode

  • War Supply - Strategically occupy mines and acquire resources in competitive multiplayer

Koei Tecmo Games Executive Officer and Producer of the Dynasty Warriors series Akihiro Suzuki had the following to say about the announcement.

The legendary characters, epic battles, and powerful melee weapons that players love from the Dynasty Warriors series have been transported to mobile devices in Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed. XPEC has captured the adrenaline-pumping spectacle of the console games, and that frenetic combat action is now available on the go.

Those that are interested can download the game now via the App Store or Google Play.

Dynasty Warriors teaser